Base64 encodes binary data into a safe text format using 64 ASCII characters.
Base64 encoding is a method of converting binary data into an ASCII string format by converting it into a radix-64 representation. It is commonly used in situations where binary data must be stored and transferred over media that are designed to deal with text, such as email or URL transmission. It allows binary data, which may include special characters that are incompatible with certain protocols or systems, to be encoded in a way that is readable and transmittable as standard text.
The concept behind Base64 encoding revolves around converting each group of three bytes of binary data into four characters. The input data is split into groups of 3 bytes (24 bits). These 24 bits are then divided into four 6-bit groups, each of which is represented by a Base64 character. If the input data isn't a multiple of 3 bytes, padding is added at the end to ensure the output is a multiple of 4 characters.
The Base64 alphabet consists of 64 characters. These characters are:
This results in a total of 64 characters, hence the name "Base64."
Let's take a simple example with the input string "Cat":
The ASCII values of "C," "a," and "t" are 67, 97, and 116, respectively. In binary, these values are:
Combining these 3 bytes (24 bits):
01000011 01100001 01110100
Breaking this into four 6-bit groups:
010000 110110 000101 110100
Convert each group into decimal:
Thus, the Base64-encoded string for "Cat" is Q2F0
When the input data is not a multiple of 3 bytes, Base64 encoding uses padding to maintain the structure of the output. For instance:
Base64 encoding is commonly used in the following areas:
Decoding Base64 is the reverse process. It takes the encoded text and maps the characters back to their binary representations, combines the bits, and restores the original data. Padding characters are removed in the decoding process, and the binary data is reformed.
In summary, Base64 encoding is an efficient and widely used method for transforming binary data into a format that can be safely transmitted or stored in text-based systems, maintaining compatibility with protocols that cannot handle binary data directly.